+ | 開始すぐは何をすればいい?(What should I do right after the start?) |
そのへんのキラキラから薬草を集めて5つ集まったらリットにEキーで話しかけて納品しよう。(Collect medicinal herbs from the glitter in the area and when you have collected five, talk to Rit with the E key and deliver them.) |
+ | セーブするにはどうすればいい?(I want to quit the game |
冒険者ギルド前の焚き火に話しかけることでセーブを行える。(You can save by talking to the bonfire in front of the Adventurers' Guild.) 少し進むと薬草店の日記帳でもセーブが可能になる。(A little further on, you can also save in the diary in the herb Shop) |
初心者向けアドバイス(Advice for beginners)
Sorry, I don't know the English word for the relevant game term, so I can't translate it.
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