加護(Protection) | 森の民の斥候としての役割、『スピリットスカウト』(Role as scouts for the forest people, "Spirit Scouts") | |
好きな食べ物(Favorite Foods) | ||
好き(Likes) | レッド(Red) | |
嫌い(Dislikes) | ||
イラスト(Illustrator) | やすも(Yasumo) | |
CV | 高尾奏音(No voice) | |
顔グラフィック(Facial Graphics) | ||
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B rank adventurer and hero. He followed Gideon Ragnarsson to Red's herb store.
I chatted with Red over a nice cup of tea and we got talking, and it sounded interesting, so I decided to live in and help out at the shop.
I chatted with Red over a nice cup of tea and we got talking, and I ended up helping out in the shop.
I was so successful that some people started calling for me to be queen over my brother, who is the crown prince,So I left the country before the family uproar broke out and went to the countryside to play until things cooled down.
強力な攻撃。格下のモンスターを一撃で倒すことがある。(Powerful attack. Sometimes defeats a lower-ranked monster with a single blow.)
素早い身のこなしで連続攻撃を放つ。(He unleashes a series of attacks with his quick body movements.)
レッドのHPが高ければ高いほどリットの攻撃力が上がる。(The higher the HP of Red, the higher the attack power of Rit.)
精霊大狼を召喚し、一定時間共に戦う。(Summons the spirit big wolf and fights with it for a certain period of time.)
戦闘開始時、レッドの能力に一定時間バフがかかる。(At the start of the battle, Red's abilities are buffed for a certain period of time.)