加護(Protection) | 勇者。「世界を救う勇者」として桁外れの力を与える事になる最強の加護。しかし代償として、喜怒哀楽を始めとする感情を極端なまでに制限されてしまう上に、自身の力量や周囲の心配を無視する形で「人助け」の衝動に駆られてしまう等、呪いに等しいデメリットも多い。(Brave man. The most powerful blessing that grants a person extraordinary power as a "brave man who saves the world. In return, however, it also has many disadvantages, including the extreme limitation of emotions such as joy, anger, and sorrow, as well as the urge to "help others" without regard to one's own abilities or the concerns of those around them, a disadvantage that is equivalent to a curse.) | |
好きな食べ物(Favorite Foods) | ||
好き(Likes) | お兄ちゃん(Red)、はちみつミルク(Honey Milk) | |
嫌い(Dislikes) | ||
イラスト(Illustrator) | やすも(Yasumo) | |
CV | 大空直美(No voice) | |
顔グラフィック(Facial Graphics) | ||
She is the sister of Red and a member of the brave party that Red was expelled from because she was told that she was not a true companion.
In the original story, Rutee was driven by the urge to be brave by the blessings of the heroes and continued to work for the people in an unsociable manner, but in this game, she is able to weaken her blessings and is starting to regain her human side while living with Red and the others.
Ruti has become weak at the cost of weakening her blessings, but she is still a precious little sister. Let's love her to the fullest.
眩い光と共に衝撃波を放つ。(A shockwave is released with a dazzling light.)
斬撃を飛ばして遠距離攻撃する。(Sends a slash to attack at long range.)
一定時間、自身の攻撃力を上昇させる。(Increases the attack power for a certain period of time.)
超強力な一撃を放つ。(Delivers an extremely powerful blow.)
恐怖で周りにいる者の動きを止める。(Stops the movement of those around him with fear.)