霧のダンジョン(Foggy Dungeon)







This is a dungeon that you can go to after the boss fight at Big Bridge.

There are also quite strong small fry monsters such as red dragons roaming around, so it is a good idea to make a lot of potions while your armor is weak.

This dungeon is recommended for those who do a lot of blacksmithing, as you can get a lot of coal.

Note that you can grow snow vines, dragon mushrooms, and white beans, but not sacred dew threads.

When making equipment, it is recommended that four people make all the equipment at once. When you are ready to make equipment in bulk, you can reset Red's skills to specialize in equipment and restore them after making equipment.

The boss is a tarantula on the 12th floor. Steel is sufficient for weapons and armor, but the flight time is long, making it a troublesome opponent. You may be worried about your friends getting hit by it.

The trick is to hit the tarantula when it comes down, use potions when it becomes dangerous, and if it seems impossible, come back and strengthen your equipment.

Improved defense makes lateral running attacks a bonus action that can sandbag the opponent.

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Last-modified: 2024-01-07 (日) 03:12:59