*お店の経営(Store Management) [#tae59590]




From 09:00 AM to 17:00 PM, you can open a herb store by pressing the decision button inside the herb store counter.

The shopkeeper element of the game is to process the materials picked up or the plants cultivated into expensive items by crafting and selling them.

Customers who come to the store will only buy the products on the shelves, so you must listen to what they are looking for and produce or shelve the products to help them make a purchase.

Your partner will also help you with the interview and shelving, so you can just make or cancel a decision as you see fit.

However, the partner will take a break in the middle of the sales process, so you will be busy.

There is no particular penalty if a customer fails to make a purchase,

You can open the store when you want to and close it when you want to.

**営業に関するあれこれ [#ma664ec5]









The more aristocratic or older the age, the more likely it is that adult purchases will occur.

Sometimes there are customers who try to buy at unfair prices. Be careful not to be beaten down.

Medicine and cooking are popular items that many customers seek.

Material items are also sought by some customers, but with the exception of jewelry, these items are inexpensive and should not be sold.

From the middle of the game, you can increase the number of customers who come to your store by handing out flyers.

Red's skills can also improve the number of customers and sales prices, so you can transfer them if you want to concentrate on raising the level of the apothecary.

However, the money spent for reallocation will result in a loss, so reallocation of skills should not be done for the sole purpose of improving the sales price.

The experience value to raise the apothecary level is calculated based on the amount of sales, so it is difficult to raise the level even if you sell a few cheap items.

Material expeditions are a valuable way to procure upper medicinal herbs in the early stages.

There are fixed price orders for many things when you can do deliveries. Let's sell expensive medicines that are ordered with food.

Sometimes it is better not to make things that are hard to obtain and unprofitable.

For example, you should refrain from making seafood salad, even for delivery, because it consumes two precious wakame seaweed.

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