*&ruby(ライディングドレイク){走竜};レース(Riding Drake Race) [#i2f77280]
国境の村で走竜を購入すると、薬草店の北で走竜が育成できるようになる。(After purchasing a Riding Drake in a border village, a Riding Drake can be grown north of the herb store.)

Feed Riding Drake once a day to increase its status.~

Riding Drakes like field crops and fish caught by fishing, and do not eat wild plants or food. Stroking a Riding Drake also raises its status.~

It is possible to raise three Riding Drakes at a time, and since their status can only be raised once a day, it is best to raise several Riding Drakes at once.~

They can only breed once. They seem to inherit some ability values from their parents.

|野菜と小麦(Vegetables and Flour)|スピード、スタミナ(Speed, stamina)|
|フルーツ(Fruit)|スピード、加速(Speed, acceleration)|
|アジ、イワシ、サバ、フナ、アユ、ニジマス、イワナ(Horse mackerel, sardine, mackerel, crucian carp, ayu, rainbow trout, char)|賢さ(INT)|
|フグ、イカ、タコ、ホタテ(Pufferfish, Squid, Octopus, Scallops)|Speed,acceleration,INT(スピード、加速、賢さ)|
|フグ、イカ、タコ、ホタテ(Pufferfish, Squid, Octopus, Scallops)|スピード、加速、賢さ(Speed,acceleration,INT)|
|ドジョウ、ナマズ(Loach, Catfish)|スタミナ(stamina)|
|走竜のエサ(Riding Drake Bait)|ランダムなものを複数個(Random)|

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