*釣り(fishing) [#g2f3b732]


Fishing is possible when an event occurs when you approach an old fisherman south of town and he presents you with a fishing rod.

Fishing in this game is the simplest of all, just raise the rod when the fish bites.

You will be randomly selected to catch something at the place where you fish.

***【釣り竿】で釣れるアイテム(ゾルタンの港)(Items that can be caught with a 【Fishing Rod】(Port of Zoltan)) Ver 1.0.6 [#v9471109]
|CENTER:BGCOLOR(#BADBC7):たくさん釣れる&br;(Very high probability)|CENTER:BGCOLOR(#BADBC7):よく釣れる&br;(High probability)|CENTER:BGCOLOR(#BADBC7):程々に釣れる&br;(Middle probability)|CENTER:BGCOLOR(#BADBC7):低確率で釣れる&br;(Low probability)|
|タラ(Cod)|イカ(Squid)|木の枝(Wooden Branch)|ゴンズの靴下(Gonz's Sock)|
|サケ(Salmon)|タコ(Octopus)|葉っぱ(Leaf)|蒼薬草(Blue Herb)|
|ワカメ(Seaweed)|薬草(Herb)|粘液(Goo)|長靴(Old Boot)|
||空き瓶(Empty Bottle)|貝殻(Seashell)|ヒトデ(Starfish)|
|||コモーン銅貨(Common Bronze Coin)|銅鉱石(Copper Ore)|
||||銅貨の袋(Bronze Coin Bag)|

***【いい釣り竿】で釣れるアイテム(ゾルタンの港)(Items that can be caught with a 【Good Rod】(Port of Zoltan)) Ver 1.0.6 [#f4e8b457]
|CENTER:BGCOLOR(#BADBC7):たくさん釣れる&br;(Very high probability)|CENTER:BGCOLOR(#BADBC7):よく釣れる&br;(High probability)|CENTER:BGCOLOR(#BADBC7):程々に釣れる&br;(Middle probability)|CENTER:BGCOLOR(#BADBC7):低確率で釣れる&br;(Low probability)|
|タラ(Cod)|イカ(Squid)|ゴンズの靴下(Gonz's Sock)|木の枝(Wooden Branch)|
|サケ(Salmon)|タコ(Octopus)|蒼薬草(Blue Herb)|石炭(Coal)|
|イワシ(Sardine)|薬草(Herb)|長靴(Old Boot)|銅鉱石(Copper Ore)|
||フグ(Pufferfish)|ヒトデ(Starfish)|コモーン銅貨(Common Bronze Coin)|
||ホタテ(Scallop)|空き瓶(Empty Bottle)|銅貨の袋(Bronze Coin Bag)|
||ワカメ(Seaweed)|貝殻(Seashell)|ペリル銀貨(Payril Silver Coin)|

ゲーム後半で追加されるすごい釣り竿でサバやタイが釣れるようになるようだ。(It seems that mackerel and tie can be caught with the awesome fishing rod that will be added later in the game.)

**釣り大会 [#j7c25c11]
70pt.でいい釣り竿が手に入る。これは稀にアイテムを2こ釣り上げるので釣りが効率化するので早めに取ろう。(You can get a good fishing rod for 70 pt. It rarely catches two items. Fishing becomes more efficient, so get it as soon as possible.)~

釣り大会の種類釣りのコツは、エリアを変更すると釣れる魚のセットが切り替わるのを上手く利用すること。(The trick to fishing the types of fishing contests is to take advantage of the fact that the set of fish you can catch switches when you change areas.)~

ランダムで特定の魚種釣り大会も開催される。イワシ限定などもあるので目押しが苦手な人も優勝は可能。(Random fishing contests for specific species are also held. Some are limited to sardines, so even those who are not good at eye-handling can win.)~

#region(釣り大会の景品一覧(List of prizes for fishing contests))
|景品名(Prize Name)|在庫数(number)|購入必要pt.(pt.)|
|BGCOLOR(#BADBC7):景品名(Prize Name)|BGCOLOR(#BADBC7):在庫数(number)|BGCOLOR(#BADBC7):購入必要pt.(pt.)|
|釣りマスターの称号(Fishing Master title)|1|200pt.|
|いい釣り竿(Good Fishing Rod)|1|70pt.|
|すごい釣り竿(Great Fishing Rod)|1|150pt.|
|上薬草(Medicinal herb)|2|8pt.|
|苦薬草(Bitter herb)|3|3pt.|
|蒼薬草(Blue herb)|2|10pt.|
|キュアポーション(Cure potion)|2|15pt.|
|シーフードピザ(Seafood pizza)|2|10pt.|
|フィッシュバーガー(Fish burger)|3|10pt.|
|ルビーの結晶(Ruby crystal)|1|55pt.|
|アクアマリンの結晶(Aquamarine crystal)|1|65pt.|
|トパーズの結晶(Topaz crystal)|1|75pt.|

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