*柴田ゆーま(Yumma Shibata) [#q90a49db]
|#ref(Yumma.jpg,left,nowrap),left,nowrap)|~趣味(Hobbies)|友人と会うこと、レコード集め(Meeting friends, collecting records)|
|~|~好きな食べ物(Favorite Foods)|自家製ジャムとバターを塗った焼きたてのパン(Freshly baked bread with homemade jam and butter)|
|~|~好き(Likes)|親父ギャグ、長い一日の仕事の後にぐっすり眠ることと、友人と集まること(Dad gags, getting a good night's sleep after a long day's work and getting together with friends)|
|~|~嫌い(Dislikes)|堅苦しく無菌的な環境、刺激のなさ(Rigid, sterile environment, lack of stimulation)|
|~|~イラスト(Illustrator)|[[kaori Mitsuse:https://twitter.com/mewtsuse]]|
|~|~CV| |
|~|>|~顔グラフィック(Facial Graphics)|


Yumma moved to SunnySide about 20 years ago to take over the small grain mill that had been passed through his family for generations. Though he didn’t grow up in SunnySide, he was one of the last remaining Shibata descendants, and didn’t have many other prospects in life. Since then, Yumma has made a very happy life for himself, and could never dream of leaving, especially now that Zander Wyatt is working with him. In general, Yumma is a bit of a jokester and clown, and often helps Mayumi pull off various pranks on her students. He’s always happy and charming, and you’d be hard pressed to find anyone in town who doesn’t consider him a good friend. 


Although he is known to his fans as Yummy and Grain Daddy, it is unconfirmed if his fellow SunnySide residents also call him by these names.

-英語版Wiki(English Wiki) 
--[[Yumma Shibata:https://sunnysidegame.fandom.com/wiki/Yumma_Shibata]]より

**現代の日本において(In modern Japan) [#l94adade]
本名はYuumaかYuma、公式発表待ち(awaiting official announcement Yuuma or Yuma)

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