*サニーシードアプリ(SunnySeed App) [#w8d29d76]
サニーシード・アプリは、サニーシード・カンパニーが運営するアプリです。店頭の役割を果たし、種や苗木の主な供給源となります。作物によっては種まき段階まで育てることができ、プレイヤーはそこから同じ種類の作物の新しい種を集めることができる。このアプリはTech Heroで入手可能で[[岩崎浩(Hiro Iwasaki)]]が提供している。

The SunnySeed App is an app run by the fictional Sunny Seed Company. It serves as a storefront and is your primary source of seeds and saplings. Some crops can be grown to a seeding phase letting the player collect new seeds of the same crop type from it. The app is available at Tech Hero and given to you by Hiro Iwasaki.


The player can buy seeds and saplings by placing them in the cart, choosing the shipping method and purchasing, much like you would with real online stores. 

**サニーシードの配送方法 [#z312cd75]


There are three shipping methods available. Economic, Next Day and Same Day Delivery, each one costing more money than the last. In the current build of the game, Same Day Delivery is unavailable. Economic takes three to five days and the delivery time is affected by the in-game weather. Next Day Delivery is guaranteed to arrive the next day, regardless of weather. Same Day Delivery guarantees that to arrive within an hour. 
|BGCOLOR(#BADBC7):販売品(Articles for sale)|BGCOLOR(#BADBC7):買値(Price)|
|人参の種(Carrot Seed)|1|
|カブの種(Turnip Seed)|2|
|ほうれんそうの種(Spinach Seed)|2|
|キャベツの種(Cabbage Seed)|2|
|ネギの種(Chive Seed)|1|
|イチゴの種(Strawberry seed)|15|
|さくらんぼの苗(Cherry Sapling)|50|
|レモンの苗(Lemon Sapling)|30|

-英語版Wiki(English Wiki) 
--[[SunnySeed App:https://sunnysidegame.fandom.com/wiki/SunnySeed_App]]より

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