*ホース(The Hose) [#t1e7c47d]
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Although this may look like an ordinary garden hose, this is in fact a revolutionary piece of crop hydration technology that is taking the farming world by storm. Known to some as Sir Dr. Hosé O'Spray, this garden hose will keep your farm running without sacrificing your time.


Although this may look like an ordinary garden hose, this is in fact a revolutionary piece of crop hydration technology that is taking the farming world by storm. Known to some as Sir Dr. Hosé O'Spray, this garden hose will keep your farm running without sacrificing your time. 

-英語版Wiki(English Wiki) 
--[[The Hose:https://sunnysidegame.fandom.com/wiki/The_Hose]]より

**日本視点(Japanese point of view) [#r191c647]


In actual farming in Japan, water is drawn from reservoirs and poured into irrigation canals to water fields using hoses. The hose is called an agricultural hose (農業用ホース).

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