*オベング&ruby(ふゆかぜ){冬風};(Fuyukaze Obeng) [#gcb657da]
|#ref(Fuyukaze.jpg,left,nowrap),left,nowrap)|~名前(Name)|オベング冬風(Fuyukaze Obeng)|
|~|~趣味(Tastes)|ゲーム、テレビ鑑賞、マンガを読むこと、音楽をミックスすること。(Gaming, watching TV, reading comics, and mixing music.)|
|~|~好きな食べ物(Favorite food)|🦐。エビ尽くし。(Shrimp. Shrimp all over.)|
|~|~嫌い(Hate)|暑いこと、運動すること、無理をすることが嫌い。(Dislikes heat, exercise, and exertion.)|
|~|~イラスト(Illustrator)|[[kaori Mitsuse:https://twitter.com/mewtsuse]]|
|~|~CV| |
冬風は、SunnySide Kickstarterキャンペーンの支援者によって作られた5人のキャラクターのうちの1人です。(Fuyukaze is one of five characters that were created by backers of the SunnySide Kickstarter campaign)


Fuyukaze was born and raised in New Jersey, USA, and moved to Japan when she was about 10 years old. It took him some time to adjust to the new school and new people, and even longer to learn Japanese. He was never popular, nor was he ostracized. He was never passionate about anything, but he loved music (a talent he shared with his mother) and hoped it would be enough to carve out a simple, happy life in Sunnyside.

-英語版Wiki(English Wiki) 

**日本視点(Japanese point of view) [#v2d7a21f]
日本はアジアの極東に位置する島国であるため黒人に馴染みがありません。(Japan is an island nation located in the far east of Asia, so it is not familiar with black people.)

フユカゼとは冬の風という意味で、彼は日焼けしすぎているが、名前は寒そうだし、どんな事情があったのか気になる。(Huyukaze means winter wind and he is too tan but his name sounds cold and I am wondering what the circumstances were.)

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