*ガブリエル・リード(Gabriel Reed) [#n39b8782]
||~趣味(Hobbies)|ラグビーやフットボールの試合観戦、田舎での乗馬、ウッドクラフト(Watching rugby and football games, horseback riding in the countryside, woodcraft)|
|~|~好きな食べ物(Favorite Foods)|ハンバーグ、そば、餅、スイカ(hamburger steak, soba noodles, rice cake, watermelon)|
|~|~好き(Likes)|平和で静かな場所、動物の世話、ルーシーの世話、そして自分のルーツであるアメリカとのつながりを好む(Prefers peace and quiet, caring for animals, caring for Lucy and connecting with her roots in the USA)|
|~|~嫌い(Dislikes)|突然の変化、騒音、感謝されないこと(Sudden changes, noise, lack of appreciation)|
|~|~イラスト(Illustrator)|[[kaori Mitsuse:https://twitter.com/mewtsuse]]|
|~|~CV| |
|~|>|~顔グラフィック(Facial Graphics)|


Gabe was one of the first introduced residents of Sunnyside. He runs the Riverside Ranch, and is a romanceable NPC in the game. He is the father of Lucy Reed. 


Gabriel was born and raised in Washington in the US, and moved to Japan in his teens with his father who was chasing a lucrative rugby career. A few years after their move, a horrible earthquake claimed his father’s life and left Gabe stranded in a country far from home. Unsure what to do with himself, Gabe spent a few years on the streets before being taken in by a small family with some questionable affiliations. Many years and a very bumpy road later, Gabe turned up in SunnySide with a young daughter and purchased some land to raise cattle and other animals.


-英語版Wiki(English Wiki) 
--[[Gabriel Reed:https://sunnysidegame.fandom.com/wiki/Gabriel_Reed]]より

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