*&ruby(たかはし){高橋};キャサリン(Katherine Takahashi) [#we6c0fbe]

|#ref(KAT.jpg,left,nowrap)|~名前(Name)|高橋キャサリン(Katherine Takahashi)|
|~|~イラスト|[[kaori Mitsuse:https://twitter.com/mewtsuse]]|
|#ref(KAT.jpg,left,nowrap)|~趣味(Hobbies)|絵を描くこと、長い散歩、街の美術館を訪れること(Painting, long walks, visiting museums in town)|
|~|~好きな食べ物(Favorite Foods)|フレーバーラテ、イチゴ、激辛ラーメン(Flavored lattes, strawberries, hot ramen noodles)|
|~|~好き(Likes)|あらゆる種類の芸術、自然の中を長く歩くこと、新しい人々と出会うこと、そして他の人々がつながりを持つのを助けること。(Art of all kinds, long walks in nature, meeting new people, and helping others make connections.)|
|~|~嫌い(Dislikes)|判断力のない人、威圧的な伝統、管理されること(Poor judgment, intimidating traditions, being controlled)|
|~|~イラスト(Illustrator)|[[kaori Mitsuse:https://twitter.com/mewtsuse]]|
|~|~CV| |
|~|>|~顔グラフィック(Facial Graphics)|


Kat was born in SunnySide, along with her sister, Natalie. They both spent their childhood living in the Takahashi family home, but their parents moved the family to the city when the SunnySide Elementary school shut down. Kat is now 19 and living in the Takahashi home again with her sister while they both attend University in the city. Against her parents wishes, Kat is chasing a fine art degree, with lofty dreams of becoming a famous artist one day. Because of this, you can often find her wandering around SunnySide with a sketch pad, looking for her next inspiration. 






She likes to draw and comes to the player's farm to paint and study. She seems to enjoy living in Sunnyside and believes that the town offers many opportunities for her.

Catherine likes art of all kinds, long walks in nature, meeting new people, and helping others make connections.
人懐っこく世話焼きで引っ越してきたばかりの主人公にいちごの種をくれる。(She is friendly and caring, and gives strawberry seeds to the protagonist who has just moved in.)

She dislikes judgmental people, intimidating traditions, and being controlled.

She enjoys painting, long walks, and visiting the city's museums.

Her favorite foods are flavored lattes, strawberries, and hot ramen noodles. Her family grows strawberries at home.

-英語版Wiki(English Wiki)
--[[Katherine Takahashi:https://sunnysidegame.fandom.com/wiki/Katherine_Takahashi]]より
**日本視点(Japanese point of view) [#tedf4cb7]
本作のヒロインの一人で日本人と米国人のハーフ? サニーサイドで最初に紹介されるキャラクターでとても明るい性格の女子高生である。

One of the heroines of this work, she is half Japanese and half American? She is the first character introduced in Sunnyside and is a high school girl with a very cheerful personality.


A neat and clean heroine who looks like she could be in a gal game.~
Uniforms in the countryside are not this cute. Only gal-games have short skirts with checkered patterns.
--[[高橋ナタリー(Natalie Takahashi)]] - 姉(Sister)

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