*&ruby(たかはし){高橋};ナタリー(Natalie Takahashi) [#d2d7d587]
|#ref(NAT.jpg,left,nowrap),left,nowrap)|~趣味(Hobbies)|ナタリーには趣味がない。学校の勉強、実家の世話、猫の後片付けに追われ、自分の時間はあまりない。(Natalie does not have any hobbies. Between studying for school, caring for her family home, and cleaning up after Kat, she doesn't have much time for herself.)|
|#ref(NAT.jpg,left,nowrap)|~趣味(Hobbies)|ナタリーには趣味がない。学校の勉強、実家の世話、猫の後片付けに追われ、自分の時間はあまりない。(Natalie does not have any hobbies. Between studying for school, caring for her family home, and cleaning up after Kat, she doesn't have much time for herself.)|
|~|~好きな食べ物(Favorite Foods)|好きな食べ物は、卵かけご飯、サラダ、お茶などヘルシーでシンプルなもの。(Her favorite foods are generally healthy, simple meals including a bowl of rice with egg, salads, and tea)|
|~|~好き(Likes)|組織化、リスト化、繰り返し化、構築(organization, lists, routines, and structure)|
|~|~好き(Likes)|組織化、リスト化、繰り返し化、構築(organization, lists, routines, and structure)、アヒル|
|~|~嫌い(Hate)|散らかっていること、突発的なこと、他人から批判されること(Clutter, suddenness, criticism from others)|
|~|~イラスト(Illustrator)|[[kaori Mitsuse:https://twitter.com/mewtsuse]]|
|~|~CV| |
|~|>|~顔グラフィック(Facial Graphics)|

[[高橋キャサリン(Katherine Takahashi)]]の姉。(Katherine Takahashi's older sister.)



Natalie was born and raised in Sunnyside. When she was 10 years old, Sunnyside Elementary School closed and her family moved to the city. Now 21, Natalie returned to her ancestral home in Sunnyside after the death of her grandparents. She is in her last year of college and is pursuing a degree in journalism. She had always loved writing, and studying journalism was the most admirable way for her to pursue her dreams while pleasing her parents.

Natalie lives with her younger sister, Catherine, who is also in college. Natalie is much more conservative than her sister, and their differences have only grown over the past few years. Natalie hopes to teach her sister how to take life seriously.

[[石原カズキ>石川カズキ(Kazuki Ishikawa)]]の家にイチゴをおすそ分けしたり、近所では親切で立派な人だと評判が高い。

-英語版Wiki(English Wiki) 
--[[Natalie Takahashi:https://sunnysidegame.fandom.com/wiki/Natalie_Takahashi]]より
--[[redbitの人気投票にてキャサリンに勝利:https://www.reddit.com/r/SunnySideGame/comments/pbmls1/romanceable_poll_round_one/]](Won the redbit popularity contest against Catherine)
**日本視点(Japanese point of view) [#o2360b58]
お前はキャサリンのお母さんか!(You are Catherine's mother!)
--[[高橋キャサリン(Katherine Takahashi)]] - 妹(Sister)

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