*スキルツリー(Skill Tree) [#ge315cdf]
**スキル(Skills) [#pa416d35]





There are many different skills your character can gain. Different tasks you do will give you experience points for one specific skill. In order to redeem skill points on a certain category, that particular skill needs to be at a certain level. Each skill has its own limb on the tree and each limb has different branches.

Although the skill tree is currently under development, the Farm and Resource Gathering branches are available for you to spend your skill points.

Time passes while you're in the skill tree menu. 

**農業スキル [#oec0a1d4]


All of the work you do to dig crop plots and water your plants will contribute experience points to your farming skill.

**ファーミング(Farming) [#bda3c2a2]
|BGCOLOR(#BADBC7):スキル名(Skill Name)|BGCOLOR(#BADBC7):習得レベル(Level Available)|BGCOLOR(#BADBC7):説明(Description)|
|クロップビジョンⅠ(Crop Vision I)|3|農作物の現状を見る(See the current state of your crops)|
|緑の親指Ⅰ(Green Thumb I)|5|25%の確率で作物の収穫が2倍になる(25% chance of double the harvest of a crop)|
|フィールドハンド(Field Hands)|8|畑を耕す時間が半分になる(Digging a crop plot takes half the time)|
|緑の親指Ⅱ(Green Thumb II)|11|作物の生育にかかる時間が25%短縮される(Crops take 25% less time to grow)|
|クロップビジョンⅡ(Crop Vision II)|16|すべての作物の収穫までの残り日数を見る(See how many days are left to harvest all crops)|
|緑の親指Ⅲ(Green Thumb III)|22|100%の確率で作物の収穫が2倍になる(100% chance of double the harvest of a crop)|
|ファーマー(The Farmer)|30|作物の生育期間が50%短縮(Crops take 50% less time to grow)|
|>|>|BGCOLOR(#BADBC7):派生(Tree Branch)|
|アーバーアイズⅠ(Arbor Eyes I)|3|現在の木の状態を見る(See the current state of your trees)|
|Tree Whisperer I|5|25% chance of double the harvest of a tree|
|Strong Arms|8|Digging a tree plot takes half the time|
|Tree Whisperer II|11|Trees take 25% less time to grow and fruit|
|Arbor Eyes II|16|See how many days are left to fruit on all trees|
|Tree Whisperer III|22|100% chance of double the harvest of a tree|
|The Arborist|30|Trees take 50% less time to grow and fruit|
-英語版Wiki(English Wiki) 
--[[Skill Tree:https://sunnysidegame.fandom.com/wiki/Skill_Tree]]より

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