*オベング・ステファニー(Stephanie Obeng) [#m56d3940]
|~|~好きな食べ物(Favorite Foods)|父親が作ったジョロフライス(Jollof rice made by his father)|
|~|~好き(Likes)|小さな目標を立ててそれを達成すること、行き当たりばったりの冒険、そして肉体的に自分を証明すること(Setting small goals and achieving them, random adventures, and proving yourself physically)|
|~|~嫌い(Dislikes)|傲慢な態度、争い(Arrogance, Strife)|
|~|~イラスト(Illustrator)|[[kaori Mitsuse:https://twitter.com/mewtsuse]]|
|~|~CV| |
|~|>|~顔グラフィック(Facial Graphics)|


Stephanie is Fuyukaze’s younger sister and moved to Japan with her family when she was about 9. The move wasn’t easy for Stephanie, and she was teased quite a bit for looking different, but her Japanese roots and natural charisma helped her adapt to the language and culture fairly quickly. She decided very early on to always stay true to herself, and she’s never looked back. Lately, however, Stephanie has been feeling a bit lost in life. Currently pursuing a business degree, she’s not sure what she wants “to be when she grows up” and for now is happy just being herself until inspiration strikes. 
-英語版Wiki(English Wiki) 
--[[Stephanie Obeng:https://sunnysidegame.fandom.com/wiki/Stephanie_Obeng]]より
**日本視点(Japanese point of view) [#w0133ff9]
ステファニーはよく知られる女性名である。(Stephanie is a well-known female name.)

ただし白人女性を思い浮かべる。それはおそらく、日本の国営放送・NHK教育テレビでアメリカのホームドラマ・フルハウスがしつこく放送されていたせいだろう。(However, I think of a white woman. This is probably due to the persistent broadcast of the American home drama Full House on Japan's national broadcaster, NHK Educational TV.)

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