山口雪子(Yukiko Yamaguti)

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趣味(Hobbies)ビデオゲーム!ゲーム全般: FPS、MMO、RPG、ライフシムズ。漫画を読むこと。ジョシュのバーでぶらぶらすること(Video games! All types: FPS, MMO, RPGs, Life Sims. Reading manga. Hanging out at Josh’s bar.)
好きな食べ物(Favorite Foods)スナック菓子、ピザ、ポッキー(Snack foods. Pizza. Pocky.)
好き(Likes)社交的な活動全般、オンラインゲーム、人を自分の立場に置くこと(Any social activity, online gaming, putting people in their place.)
嫌い(Dislikes)たとえ小さな嘘でも。理由もなくルールを守ること(Lies, even small white ones. Planning too far into the future, following rules for no reason)
イラスト(Illustrator)kaori Mitsuse
顔グラフィック(Facial Graphics)


A true extrovert, Yukio is always bouncing around and looking for ways to use up her energy. She’s not a native to SunnySide, having only moved to town about 12 years ago when she married into the Yamaguchi family. Though the marriage didn’t quite work out, Yukio still works with her ex-husband, Hideyo, at the post office that has been run by his family since SunnySide was first founded over 300 years ago. Though that doesn't always go so well... But don’t let her appearance fool you; Yukio is a direct, honest, and indulgent woman with a sharp mind and even sharper tongue.

現代の日本において(In modern Japan)

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