ザンダー・ワイアット(Zander Wyatt)

趣味(Hobbies)スキューバダイビング(scuba diving)
好きな食べ物(Favorite Foods)マカロニ&チーズ、サーモン(Macaroni & Cheese, Salmon)
好き(Likes)穏やかで暖かい風、人助け、そして人を笑顔にすることが大好き(Gentle, warm breezes, love helping people and making them smile)
嫌い(Dislikes)アルコール、パイナップル、フラワーギフト(Alcohol, pineapple, flower gift)
イラスト(Illustrator)kaori Mitsuse
顔グラフィック(Facial Graphics)


A former member of the United States Navy, Zander moved to SunnySide when his parents died suddenly in a car accident just weeks after his contract ended. Completely lost and unsure what to do with his life, Zander decided to travel the Japanese countryside on his own for a while. During that time, he stumbled upon SunnySide and simply never left. He now works with Yumma at the mill near the lake, and has settled in quite nicely over the last year. He’s a bit intimidating looking, so most of the residents give him lots of space, which he doesn’t mind at all.

現代の日本において(In modern Japan)

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