メロディ・バレット(Melody Barrett)

趣味(Hobbies)ロマンス小説、メキシコのソープオペラ、アメリカやイギリスのリアリティ番組、マユミとヨガをすること(Romance novels, Mexican Soap Operas, Reality TV from the States and UK, Yoga with Mayumi)
好きな食べ物(Favorite Foods)フィッシュ&チップス、カレー、ピクルス、たまに故郷の食べ物が恋しくなる。(Fish and chips, curry, pickles. She misses food back home sometimes.)
好き(Likes)明るい色、ファッション、いい話(特にいいゴシップ)、ヘアスタイリストとしての技術を磨くこと(Bright colors, fashion, a good story (especially good gossip), and perfecting her art as a hair stylist.)、コスモス
嫌い(Dislikes)緊張と衝突、批判、無礼な客(Tension and conflict, criticism, rude guests)
イラスト(Illustrator)kaori Mitsuse
顔グラフィック(Facial Graphics)


Originally hailing from London, Melody moved to Japan on a whim with her boyfriend about 10 years ago. Many life lessons, a break up, lots of hard work, citizenship, and one beautician certification later, Melody finally landed in SunnySide 8 years ago and never looked back. Never one to shy away from a good story, Melody will happily tell you all about her life over a glass of wine and some pastries, though she may embellish a bit.

現代の日本において(In modern Japan)


日本人はタトゥーをマフィアのような怖い人がするものと思っているので気になるかも?(Japanese people think tattoos are done by scary people like the mafia, so it might bother you?)

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