*リット(Rit) [#u4791dd1]
|#ref(ritcg.jpg,left,nowrap)|~加護(Protection)|森の民の斥候としての役割、『スピリットスカウト』(Role as scouts for the forest people, "Spirit Scouts")|
|~|~好きな食べ物(Favorite Foods)||
|~|~CV|高尾奏音(No voice)|
|~|>|~顔グラフィック(Facial Graphics)|




B rank adventurer and hero. He followed Gideon Ragnarsson to Red's herb store.

I chatted with Red over a nice cup of tea and we got talking, and it sounded interesting, so I decided to live in and help out at the shop.

I chatted with Red over a nice cup of tea and we got talking, and I ended up helping out in the shop.

I was so successful that some people started calling for me to be queen over my brother, who is the crown prince,So I left the country before the family uproar broke out and went to the countryside to play until things cooled down.
**スキル(Skill) [#c892cad7]
***アサルト(Assault) [#l9028da1]
強力な攻撃。格下のモンスターを一撃で倒すことがある。(Powerful attack. Sometimes defeats a lower-ranked monster with a single blow.)
***クイックムーブ(QuickMove) [#we578142]
素早い身のこなしで連続攻撃を放つ。(He unleashes a series of attacks with his quick body movements.)
***スピリット(Spirit) [#h70cb966]
レッドのHPが高ければ高いほどリットの攻撃力が上がる。(The higher the HP of Red, the higher the attack power of Rit.)
***ダイアウルフ(Dire Wolf) [#k81f4732]
精霊大狼を召喚し、一定時間共に戦う。(Summons the spirit big wolf and fights with it for a certain period of time.)
***チアリング(Cheering) [#lb336ee6]
戦闘開始時、レッドの能力に一定時間バフがかかる。(At the start of the battle, Red's abilities are buffed for a certain period of time.)

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