*初心者向けアドバイス(Advice for beginners) [#bb3cad1e]
自分が初心者の時に聞きたかったようなことや初心者へのおすすめを、なるべくネタバレなしでクリックしないと読めない状態で掲載していこう。(Post things you might have wanted to ask when you were a beginner or recommendations for beginners, as spoiler-free and click-to-read as possible.)
#region(取り返しのつかないことを教えて(Tell me something I can't take back.))
ビッグホークのお得な剣というイベント中に中央武器防具店で買うことの出来る装備品はイベント終了後には二度と手に入らない。完全に不要な装備だが気になる人は買っておこう。(A number of pieces of equipment that can be bought at the Central Weapons and Armor Shop during the "Big Hawk's Bargain Sword" event will never be available again after the event is over. It is completely unnecessary equipment, but if you are interested in it, buy it.)
#region(画面が突然フルスクリーンになっちゃったらどうしたらいい?(What should I do if the screen suddenly goes to full screen?))
F4キーでもとに戻せる。(It can be undone with the F4 key.)
#region(耐久度が減ってきた装備は捨てるのが良い?(Is it advisable to discard weapons and armor whose durability is decreasing?))
捨てても良いし出荷箱で売却しても良い。(You can throw it away or sell it in the shipping box.)
#region(薬草を探していて葉っぱばかり貯まる。これの使い道は?(I am looking for medicinal herbs and accumulate only leaves. What is the use of these?))
ゼフに80こプレゼントするのが主な大量需要。すぐに集まるので保管はせずすべて捨てて良い。(The main mass demand is to give 80 of them to Zeph. You can discard all of them without storing them as they are quickly collected.)
#region(薬屋ランクが上がって新しいクラフトを習得したはずなのに増えていません(I should have increased my apothecary rank and learned a new craft but it hasn't increased.))
それはTABメニューのクラフトではなく、工房や調理場の前でないと行えない。(It is an activity that can only be done in front of the workshop or kitchen, not on the TAB menu craft)
#region(日が経過することによるデメリットはあるの?(Are there any disadvantages to the passage of days?))
そんなものない! どんどん経過させていいが、さすがにレッドも起きてすぐには眠れない。(There is no penalty. You can let it lapse as long as you want, but as expected, Red can't get up and go to sleep right away.)
#region(寝ないことによるペナルティはあるの?(Is there a penalty for not sleeping?))
ない。徹夜でダンジョン探索したら朝からお店を開くなりご自由にどうぞ(There is no penalty. If you stay up all night exploring the dungeon, feel free to open your store in the morning.)
#region(上薬草が欲しいのだが序盤で効率的な入手法は?(I need medicinal herbs how can I get them efficiently in the early stages?))
狙って取るのは難しいので素材遠征がいちばん良いと思われる。サウナや釣り大会の景品でもあるので、どうしても後ちょっと欲しい場合は取りにいくと良い。交易品でも稀に売っている。(It is difficult to target them, so material expeditions are probably the best way to get them. It is also a prize at saunas and fishing competitions, so if you really want some more, go for it. They are also rarely sold as trade goods.)
#region(すぐに武器が壊れてしまいます(The weapon will soon be broken.))
木材の武器はとくに壊れやすい。せめて木のつるはしで石を調達し石の武器にしよう。そして良い鉱石で作った装備は壊れにくい。(Weapons made of wood are especially fragile. At the very least, use a wooden pickaxe to procure stones to make stone weapons. And equipment made of good ore is less likely to break.)
#region(防具が弱く修理も大変だ(Their armour is weak and hard to repair.))
中央武器防具店の3ページ目にある革の鎧がたった400Goldで買えて強力な防具なのでおすすめ。(The leather armour on page 3 of the central weapon and armour shop is recommended as it can be bought for only 400 Gold and is a powerful armour in the early stages.)
#region(このゲームのバトルのこつは?(What are the tricks of the battle in this game?))

Since this is a slow life game, stun moves and knockbacks are more powerful than others so that even those who are not good at action games can enjoy playing. They are useful for winning with less damage to mooks.~
In boss battles, it is effective to use body break and impact to penetrate high defenses. Also, keep in mind that potions do not have a reuse time, so you can recover all of your HP immediately.
#region(序盤のレッドのスキル上げはどれがおすすめ?(Which skill set do you recommend for Red at the beginning of the game?))

In extreme cases, the boss fight is a sack fight, relying on allies and gulping down potions, so body breaking is good for destroying the boss's armour so that the stone sword can work.

In other areas, priority should be given to gathering skills such as Greed and Monster Hunt, which allow you to gain more items, rather than combat skills.

Brilliant should also be raised because the more you raise your apothecary rank, the more items you can make and the more options you have.
#region(序盤のリットのスキル上げはどれがおすすめ?(Which skill set do you recommend for Rit at the beginning of the game?))

Dire Wolf is a long-range attack that does not receive counterattacks and has knockback and stun, so it is recommended especially in the early stages of the game when armor is not in place.~

The combination of Dire Wolf and Quick Move is Rit's basic strategy, The rest of the time, he will be highly powerful if you take out the cheering.~
#region(序盤のルーティのスキル上げはどれがおすすめ?(Which skill set do you recommend for Ruti at the beginning of the game?))

Since Great Terror is a ranged stun move, I would take it anyway, despite its strong habits.~
Sonic Wave is not as powerful as Rit's direwolf, and I recommend Impact, which can counter highly defensive enemies.
#region(スキルポイントが足らない、どうしたらいい?(I don't have enough skill points, what should I do?))
スキルレベルが高くなるとスキルレベルを上げるためのポイントが高くなるので、ゲーム序盤ではスキルレベルを大きく上げず、幅広いスキルを取得するべきだろう。(Skill levels should not be increased significantly in the early stages of the game and a wide range of skills should be acquired, as the higher the skill level, the higher the points required to increase the skill level.)
#region(ダンジョンに出口がなく踏破する実力もないので帰れなくて死ぬしか無い(There is no way out of the dungeon and no ability to trudge through it, so you can't go back and you have to die.))
#region(ダンジョンに出口がなく踏破する実力もないので帰れなくて死ぬしか無い(There is no way out of the dungeon and no ability to trudge through it. so you can't go back and you have to die.))
ゲームの初期から帰還石というアイテムを持っているのでそれを使おう。(From the beginning of the game, you have an item called a return stone, so let's use it.)
#region(四葉のクローバーはプレゼントに使うのが良いの?(Is a four-leaf clover a good choice for a gift?))
プレゼントはしないほうが良い。とくに序盤は装備の素材として貴重なアイテムなのでキープしよう。(It is better not to give them away. Especially in the beginning, keep it because it is a valuable item as a material for accessories.)
#region(宝石は売って後悔することはある?(Will I regret selling my jewelry?))
宝石は取りやすい場所がなく中盤のアクセサリーで素材として使うので出来れば売らないほうが良い。(Jewelry should not be sold if possible because there is no easy place to get it and it is used as material for accessories.)

しかし、早く薬屋ランクを上げたい場合など売っても大して後悔するものではない。(But if you want to move up the apothecary ranks quickly, selling is not something you'll regret much.)

あとあとになるが宝石で作れるアクセサリーよりも強いアクセサリーが登場するので、宝石のアクセサリーは必ずしも欲しいものではなくなる。(Later on, accessories that are stronger than those that can be made with jewelry will appear, so jewelry accessories will not necessarily be what you want.)
#region(アイテムがぱんぱんです。チェストもいっぱいだしどうしたらいい?(My luggage is full. The chest is also full. What should I do?))
ゴンズのお店に行き、木材4こと800Gでもうひとつチェストを作ってもらおう。(Go to Gonz's store and ask him to make another chest for 4 wood and 800 G.)
#region(クエストや薬屋の増築で金欠になってしまった。儲ける方法を教えて(I am running out of money due to quests and the addition of the apothecary. Tell me how to make money.))

さらに畑をやりながらダンジョンボスの周回をすることでGoldがどんどん増えていく。とくに[[東海岸のダンジョン>東海岸のダンジョン(East Coast Dungeon)]]解放後はそちらに通うと良い。




I recommend selling Red Potion, which is a loose material. If you are lucky, some customers will buy them in large quantities and you will get a lot of apothecary experience, so it is worth focusing on making them because you will be able to get higher level recipes and make more money.

In addition, you can increase your gold by circling dungeon bosses while working in the fields. Especially after the dungeon on the east coast is opened, it is a good idea to go there.

The demand and unit price for medicines for the common cold and white eye disease are high, but the material, koku no hoba, runs out quickly. It is good to go and collect and make them when the leaves are repopulated.

Nine koku leaves can be obtained at the sparkling marathon that passes to the right from the forest of Aulbaea.

Cooking is not a good way to make money in the early stages because there are few buyers and the unit price is low. Wait until you have more friends and more things to do.
#region(リンゴやみかんがどこにもないよ(I can't find apples or oranges anywhere.))
港区の素材屋でこの矢印をクリックした2ページ目で売っている。(It is sold at material stores in the port area. Click on this arrow.)
#region(水晶が割れてしまって手に入らない(The crystal is broken and I can't get it.))
弱いつるはしで丁寧に掘るか運を上げる装備で身を固めるかと思いきや、この低確率に攻略法はないらしい。(I thought I would have to dig carefully with a weak pickaxe or fortify myself with equipment that would increase my luck, but apparently there is no strategy for this low probability.)

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